1. 词汇题——找词所在句子关系
转折关系。例如:六级很难,但是……,找转折连词But, Yet, However。
并列关系。例如:A and B,问A就把B内容填进去。
解释关系。用because和从句in which等联系。
30. “An identifying figure” (Line 2, Para. 5) refers to a person ______.
A) who serves as a model for others
B) who is always successful
C) who can be depended upon
D) who has been rewarded for his success
Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.
2. 细节题--直接细节、因果推理、暗示
31. It is implied that fifty years ago ____________ .
A) eighty percent of American working people were employed in factories
B) twenty percent of American intellectuals were employees
C) the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as that of industrial workers
D) the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that of industrial workers
34. According to the writer, professional knowledge or skill is _______ .
A) less important than awareness of being a good employee
B) as important as the ability to deal with public relations
C) more important than employer- employee relations
D) as important as the ability to co- operate with others in the organization
Ours has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one out of every five Americans at work was employed, i. e., worked for somebody else. Today only one out of five is not employed but working for himself. And when fifty years ago "being employed" meant working as a factory labourer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. Indeed, two things have characterized American society during these last fifty years: middle-class and upper - class employees have been the fastest-growing groups in our working population-growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production.
Yet you will fine little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist' s trade or bookkeeping (簿记). Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employeeship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employeeship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge.
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